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Rocksey had been in his studio every day for the last two weeks, when suddenly he appeared by the pool "I've found them" found what I asked ?. the lost recordings. The recordings I made before I quit the band. Now Rocksey had been fed up with all the touring and Media for some time now and the lack of help from the rest of the band finally got to him and he just walked pout before a show in Montreal. The last the band saw of him, was him trudging off into the night jacket collar turned up head down battling through the snow, leaving only his fading footsteps behind which quickly disappeared as the heavy snow filled them.

Now Rocksey had been recording the shows for weeks but as per usual he couldn't remember where or how he'd saved them or what format he'd used. It turns out the last two weeks have been spent going through one by one all the files on Rockseys Hard drives and he has a few of them.

I've found them I've found them he said doing a little jig, I raised my sunglasses and looked at him and trying to sound a little enthused "oh that's good" could you get me another glass of wine this ones empty. Rocksey sprang off in the direction of the kitchen and soon returned with my rather full glass. The last recording ever he said I'm off to the studio don't disturb me.

And with that he disappeared. I knew from past experience he could be gone for some days even weeks if I was lucky. Rocksey sees himself as producer, Engineer and whole band !! Singer and show man he can get away with he can play a simple tune on a guitar but producer and engineer I will see


The sun came and went, the bottles of wine full then empty long conversations with Melody & Suki started and finished. I decided I'd better go and check on him, Forcing the door to the studio open I was greeted by Rocksey dancing (I use the word dancing very loosely) more like a fish on dry land flapping to get back to water. "Hows it going ?".... Going ! ! Going he replied its DONE and its fantastic just listen. now even for Rocksey the room was a mess and he had to push bottles and glasses out of the way to get to the recording desk . Finally he hit play "live recording" he shouted above the opening bars of the first track, as he carried on he dance.

after listening to all 6 tracks I had to admit it did sound damn good. How did you manage to get such a good sound I asked, half expecting him to say he'd had help from Senor Penguino but no the shout was YOUTUBE 3 days of watching YOUTUBE then 2 days work 1 day of midi drums replacing each beat so they are all the same strength the mastering and touching up the vocals.

"PHONE" Suki and Penguino here I've got the melody and structure of the next six songs worked out but need his musical genius to actually turn them into songs also phone Melody get Marsh here I will need his Percussion skills and tell him to bring his own triangle i have a use for it on one of the songs.

With a wry smile I dashed towards the phone Suki and Melody will love the fact that the men will be gone for days now if Rocksey has his way, and judging by the number of bottles of JD that there were in the studio fridge it was going to be a long session. Me, Suki and Melody settled back into our seats and fastened our belts as the plane taxied out on to the runway, "what do you think they will get completed" asked Suki "who cares" replied Melody "NEW YORK" here we come!! ! ! !

It turns out with the help of Senor Penguino Rocksey actually managed to get another six tracks down and to my surprise they weren't anything like I'd expected. Rocksey had now six more songs of different genre Marsh had the worse head he'd ever had and he'd even lost his triangle, but yes you could clearly hear it on the track Rocksey had promised.

Phone the record company Rocksey shouted tell them I'm on my way.. this is gonna be bigger than the Beatles and Stones put together. With that Rocksey and Penguino jumped into the car and with a screech of tyres and a cloud of dust they were gone. "Shall I get you a taxi" I asked Marsh "no thanks just a coffee" was the whispered reply.

Later that night I was awoken by a phone call and Rocksey and Penguino singing down the phone "its out in four weeks, its out in four weeks" then with the sound of clinking glasses the phone went dead and they were gone...

Four weeks later the album was released and Rocksey and Penguino were back on the media trail promoting the album around the world Marsh kept saying he was joining them but never showed up, the thought of all the drinking put him off somewhat. Well at least it gets me Suki and Melody some quite time... and shopping time PARIS here we come ! ! ! ! ! ! .

Marsh finally joined them both on the final night in London and again regretted it the next morning "Never again Never again they are both Idiots they don't know when to stop" he croaked. The worst thing about what Marsh said was it was true they didn't know when to stop and the even worse thing is Rocksey NEVER has had a Hangover no matter what. So the next day he is unbearably happy and loud with just a mildly upset stomach which we all have to suffer and I do mean SUFFER........

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