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Like Buses

With the deperature of Senor Pinguino in November last year , the band have been getting to grips with their new bass player. Well I say 'getting to grips' 'getting to know how to play with a new member of the band' has been more like it. Not that he is an unknown quantity, Rocksey and I have known Robin Cyclist for many years, although Rocksey tends to lose touch with people and then they pop up again, Robin Cyclist found fame in the later 1980s with another famous Leicester band and then re-surfaced, two wives behind him, several kids and bass whoring ( Robin Cyclists own words) for another band when SP made his decision to quit.

Although not a great surprise, SP is sorely missed. Not only his stage presence but the fun and games we all used to have over the years, I lament to Suky that I don't have nearly as much fun at gigs any more and more often than not chose to stay at home in stead of dancing around at back stage like a crazy woman with Suky wobbling around in those sky high heels she loved to wear!

Undeterred Suky and SP make it out to the first gig with Robin Cyclist on bass for moral support (and an element of curiosity I think). The gig, just before Christmas has been put on by a record company that have been 'in talks' with the band on-going now for a while - Super Pill - record company boss cannot seem to make up his mind what to do when it comes to offering a lucrative deal - or one which Rocksey thinks is lucrative enough. Suky and I decide to take matters into our own hands in order to 'persuade'the man that he is about to make the right choice!!

Dressed to kill that evening, Super Pill is powerless to resist. It makes me laugh how so many powerful men in history can be seduced by just flirtation. I still don't think the poor man knew what hit him that evening, between Suky and I and our carefully chosen outfits ( is he a boob man or a leg man? Who knows, we catered for both!!) we sandwiched him together, one on each side of him and plied him with JD and used our most powerful tools to persuade him he wanted to sign the band. Having talked the poor man into a corner I think he would have agreed to anything to stop us both talking at him! Within the week, Super Pill had been on the phone to Rocksey offering a two album deal, one of which could be recorded in his Caribbean studio because we were going to be there for his forthcoming nuptials with his long time partner, Sandy.

'We're not a touring band anymore Pill' Rocksey reminded him, ' we only want to do Fesivals so can you make sure we get South by Southwest and anywhere with Rob Zombie?' Rocksey gives me the thumbs up -seems like Super Pill has agreed and there a wedding to look forward to as well !!!

So high on a new record contract Christmas and New Year passed by and with our holiday in Mexico behind us, the band have gone into the studio to start writing new material. The first album has been moreorless completed with stuff that had already been written and not recorded but the second album. - with a wedding and promise of Carribbeen sunshine in October has got everyone excited - except Suky of course. SP is embracing his own musical future she tells me disconsolately over a glass of wine but I wish he'd stayed with you guys to do it.

A week or so later, I get a text from Rocksey - news for you when you get back home - it says.

Rocksey meets me at the door waving his phone at me. - a big grin on his face, like buses he says like buses!!!I look at him perplexed, now the only time I have heard that phrase is when after lamenting of a lack of a boyfriend my mother saying to me, 'don't worry love, men are like buses, you don't see one for ages then two come along at once'.

Turns out, on hearing ( rather belatedly I must say)that the band were looking for a new contract, out of the blue another label had called to see if Rocksey wanted to enter into talks with them.Although this new contender would have been Rockseys label of choice he had very diplomatically turned them down whilst leaving the door open slightly ( we could look at signing to you after the next 2 albums if your still interested) .

Never mind babe I say to him at least we get a holiday in the Carribbean, I get to buy a new wedding outfit AND we get to play with Rob Zombie!!!

Later on, my mother phones me - I've missed the bus can you come and pick me up? She says. I stop myself from pointing out that 2 might come along later and leaving Rocksey gloating on Skype to Senor Pinguino over his 2 label deal, I go and fetch my mum from the bus stop.

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