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Picasso, Prosecco and prosthetics...Part One

Prior to our week at school, Rocksey and I decide to immerse ourselves in a little Spanish culture, As we are in Malaga, a trip to the Picasso museum is top of our list, along with a climb up to the Castillo and a mooch around the famous fish market.

Rocksey fancies himself as a bit of an aficionado of Picasso with the Perpetual Student having studied Cubism as part of one of her ( many) university courses and so was eager to get to the museum to see if they had one or two of his favourite pieces, these being the reclining nude with cat series. Now you may think this is all a bit high brow for a man like Rocksey...or you may think whats coming is an insult to the Cubist movement and Picasso in particular. Myself, I do not understand it but as Rocksey patiently explained to me the 'art' of Cubism I felt, this afternoon, that I had actually leant something from my husband ( that doesn't happen very often I hasten to add!!!). However, he explained that his enthusiasm for the reclining nude series is that he believes that Picasso had NO IDEA HOW TO DRAW A CAT and this makes him smile every time he sees these particular works of art.

Lo and behold, the museum has 2 of said series on display and after a mooch around the gift shop after our wander around the museum, I managed to purchase a print to delight Rocksey. This will be framed and hung when we are back at home and will, no doubt bring a smile to Rockseys face whenever he sees it. At the moment I have no idea where it will be displayed but no doubt, dear Reader, its final resting place will be shared with you and until we are back from our trip, I have shared a picture of said work of art for your delight - please do let me know if you are also able to draw a cat in any Cubist style you wish!!

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